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Below are some traditional Georgetown athletic songs. Three songs, written between 1913-1930, form what is commonly known as today's Georgetown Fight Song, listed to the right.
The Touchdown Song (1913)
Virginia plays in the same old way,
Lie down, Virginia, lie down;
Tho' we've not met for many a day
Lie down, Virginia, lie down.
Here goes old Georgetown,
Straight for a touchdown;
See how they gain ground,
Lie down, Virginia, lie down.
Lie down, Virginia, lie down.
We've missed you much since last we met,
Lie down, Virginia, lie down;
Or have you any money to bet?
Lie down, Virginia, lie down.
Cheer For Victory (1915)
"Rah! Rah! Rah! Hurrah! for Georgetown
Cheer for victory today
'Ere the sun has sunk to rest,
In the cradle of the West
In the clouds we'll proudly float
The Blue and Gray."
The Hoya Song (c. 1930)
"We've heard those loyal fellows up at Yale
Brag and boast about their "Boola-Boola"
We've heard the 'Navy yell', We've listened to 'Cornell'
We've heard the sons of Harvard tell
How 'Crimson lines' could hold them
'Chu! Chu! Rah! Rah!', dear to Holy Cross
The proud old 'Princeton Tiger' is never at a loss
But the yell of all the yells,
The yell that wins the day
of the dear old Blue and Gray."
The Georgetown Fight Song
(aka "There Goes Old Georgetown")
It's been so long since last we met,
Lie down forever, lie down;
Or have you any money to bet,
Lie down forever, lie down.
There goes old... Georgetown
Straight for a... touchdown
See how they... gain ground
Lie down forever, lie down,
Lie down forever, lie down."
Rah! Rah! Rah!
Hurrah for Georgetown
Cheer for victory today
'Ere the sun has sunk to rest,
In the cradle of the west
In the clouds will proudly float The Blue and Gray."
We've heard those loyal fellows up at Yale
Brag and boast about their Boola-Boola
We've heard the Navy yell We've listened to Cornell
We've heard the sons of Harvard tell
How Crimson lines could hold them
Choo Choo, Rah Rah, dear old Holy Cross
The proud old Princeton tiger Is never at a loss
But the yell of all the yells, The yell that wins the day
Is the 'HOYA, HOYA SAXA!' Of the dear old Blue and Gray.
It's been so long since last we met,
Lie down forever, lie down;
Or have you any money to bet,
Lie down forever, lie down.
There goes old Georgetown
Straight for a (rebound)
See how they gain ground
Lie down forever, lie down,
Lie down forever, lie down."
Hear the Fight Songs
Dear Old Gray & Blue (1913)
(music: "Battle Hymn of the Republic")
Princeton has the black and orange
Eli has the blue;
Fordham has the old Maroon
and Penn her colors too;
But the loyal sons of Georgetown
Are forever true;
To the dear old Gray and Blue.
Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah for Georgetown,
Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah for Georgetown,
Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah for Georgetown,
And the dear old Gray and Blue.
We've met a lot of college teams
And there have been a few,
That wrestled vict'ry from the hands
Of Georgetown's gallant crew
We've held our colors high in air
And fought like demons too
For the dear old Gray and Blue.
The Blue & Gray Triumphal March
"Fight on for old Alma Mater
The vict'ry is our aim;
Although the odds are great We shall march on
To triumph and to fame Rah! Rah! Rah!
Get up that old Hoya spirit,
Go in there and fight!
We'll win the fray, and the victor of the day
Will be the Blue and Gray."
NOTE: We are currently seeking lyrics for the following songs. Any assistance on locating these songs is appreciated:
"Here's to the Blue and Gray"
"Hail! Hoya Men"
"Georgetown Alumni Song"
Alma Mater(1894)
Sons of Georgetown, Alma Mater
Swift Potomac's lovely daughter
Ever watching by the water
Smiles on us today.
Now her children gather 'round her
Lo, with garlands they have crowned her
Reverent hands and found enwound her
With the Blue and Gray.
Wave her colors ever,
Furl her standard never
But raise it high, and proudly cry
'We're Georgetown's sons forever.'
Where Potomac's tide is streaming
From her spires and steeples beaming
See the grand old banner gleaming
Georgetown's Blue and Gray.
Hear The Alma Mater
Fight, Georgetown Men (c. 1920)
"Fight Georgetown men,
Victory again!
Raise high your shield
And march down the field
On to the fray,
Unfurl the Blue and Gray
And we'll fight, fight, fight
Men of Georgetown, fight!"
Forward, Sons Of Georgetown (c. 1935)
Forward, sons of Georgetown
Down the path of glory
Never flinching, knowing no despair
The end will tell the same old story
Sons of Georgetown, fight with all your might
For we are out to win today--
Let's give a "HOYA!" and a "SAXA!"
For the Blue and Gray."
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