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Team Captains
The oldest award in Hoya Football is the selection of the team captain. Whether selected by the team (in its earliest years) or by the head coach,
this list recognizes seven generations of team leaders for the sport at Georgetown.
1887: Dick Hennessy
1888: Dan O'Day
1889: Bill Gleason
1890: Pat O'Donnell
1891: Pat O'Donnell
1892: Bob Carmody
1893: Martin Murphy
1894: George Bahen
1898: Jack Casey
1899: Carlos Long
1900: Arthur Devlin
1901: Moran Barry
1902: Joe Reilly
1903: Hub Hart
1904: Matt Mahoney
1905: Leo Fitzpatrick
1906: Branch Bocock
1907: George Dutcher
1908: Eddie Miller
1909: Tom Stewart
1910: Vincent Dailey
1911: Vincent Dailey
1912: Jack Hegarty
1913: Harry Costello
1914: Fred Murray
1915: James Barron
1916: Dan O'Connor
1917: Jackie Maloney
1918: Ed Heaphy
1919: John McQuade
1920: Bill Dudack
1921: Jack Flavin
1922: Rudy Comstock
1923: Paul Florence
1924: Fred Sheehan
1925: Jack Hagerty
1926: Frank McGrath
1927: Claude Grigsby
1928: Jerry Carroll
1929: Jim Mooney
1930: Bill Morris
1931: Maurice Dubofsky
1932: Ray Hudson
1933: Fred Callahan
1934: Joe Savarine
1935: Walter Herron, Joe Meglan
1936: Al Vaccaro
1937: Lawrence Hardy
1938: Game Captains
1939: Game Captains
1940: Game Captains
1941: Game Captains
1942: Game Captains
1946: Game Captains
1947: Game Captains
1948: Game Captains
1949: Frank Desmond, Tom Dolan
1950: Tom Hardiman
1964: Steve Langhoff, Ed Moses
1965: Tony Cigarran, Breen Condon
1966: Happy Fauth, Tony Lauinger
1967: Bob Barchi, John McGregor
1968: Joe Lonardo, Pierce O'Donnell, B, Simmons
1969: Jim Gaeter, John Merrigan
1970: John Dwyer, David Goracy
1971: John Kuhns, Paul White
1972: Bill Brugger, Jeff Gray, Rick Paternoster
1973: Ralph Edwards, Steve Graham
1974: Jim Cain, Jim Chesley, Bob Morris
1975: Brian McQuaid, Dan O'Malley
1976: Dru Drake, Joe Wesner
1977: Jim Boland, Don Bridges
1978: Dave Elliott, Bob Sitz, Paul Zimmerman
1979: John Mulcahy,Steve Scheuerle,Dave Williams
1980: John Federico, Bryan McDonnell, Mike Foster
1981: John Federico, Jim Corcoran, Rory Coakley
1982: Mike Quinland, Roger Daly, Ray Pring
1983: Dave Ficca, Alex Poulos, John Verni
1984: Dave Barnitt, D.J. Patenaude
1985: Andy Phelan, Brett Davis
1986: Andy Phelan, Joe Gaffigan, John McCormick
1987: Dan Currie, Joe Haley, Mark North
1988: Hugh Golden, Stewart Muller, Jim Schwartz
1989: Scott Owens, Pete Hornick
1990: Mike Sotirhos, Tim McAneney
1991: Raja Mohi-ud-din, Pete Lembo
1992: Jim Bolger, Chris Murphy
1993: Brendan Boler, Brian McNulty, Beau Riely, Rob Sgarlata
1994: Steve Colello, Murray Happer, Jim Klessel
1995: Joe Eacobacci, Enrico Mariani, Tom Wonica
1996: Dan Cunniffe, Janne Kouri, Bill Ring
1997: Mike Lynn, Steve Pogorelec, Rob Rosenthal, Bill Ward
1998: Brian Dwyer, Sean Brady, Skender Derti, Mike Halen, M. Melchionda
1999: Brian Dwyer, Jim Gallagher, Paul Miller, J.J. Mont, Robert Quigley
2000: Reid Wakefield, Brett Crowder, Ryan O'Donohue, Gharun Hester
2001: Brian Blankenship, Aaron Brown, Matthew Craffey
2002: Adam Rini, Ed Kuczma, Matt Fronczke
2003: Andrew Clarke, Matt Fronczke, William Huisking, Luke McArdle
2004: Ryan Goethals, Brandon Small, Frank Terranzino
2005: Maurice Banks, Michael Ononibaku, Kim Sarin
2006: Alex Buzbee, Liam Grubb
2007: Matt Bassuener, Nnamdi Obiako, Stephen Smith, Kyle Van Fleet
2008: Dan Matheny, Nick Umar
2009: Dan Matheny, Richard Husssey, Chudi Obainwu, Nick Parrish, Chris Rau
2010: Nick Parrish, Dan Semler
Al Blozis Award
The Al Blozis Most Valuable Player award has been awarded since 1949 for the most valuable letterman each season for the Georgetown football program. It is named after Al Blozis (C'42), a two sport All-American in football and track who was killed in action during military service in World War II.
1949: John Kivus, QB
1950: Thomas Hardiman, DB
1951-87: Not awarded
1988: Matt Zebrowski, QB
1989: Dave Rubino, DT
1990: Tim McAneney, LB
1991: Raja Mohi-ud-din, DE
1992: Chris Murphy
1993: Chris Fazio, DB
1994: Steve Colello, C
1995: Tom Wonica, LB
1996: Janne Kouri, DT
1997: Bill Ward, QB
1998: J.J. Mont, QB
1999: J.J. Mont, QB
2000: Gharun Hester, WR
2001: Sean Peterson, QB
2002: Luke McArdle, WR
2003: Luke McArdle, WR
2004: Michael Ononibaku, DE
2005: Michael Ononibaku, DE
2006: Alex Buzbee, DE
2007: Kyle Van Fleet, RB
2008: Ataefiok Etukeren, DE
2009: Chudi Obianwu, DT
John L. Hagerty Award
The Hagerty Award has been presented since 1967 to the outstanding back on the team.
It is named after John L. "Jack" Hagerty (C'26), an All-East back who coached the Hoyas from 1933 through 1948 and served as athletic director from 1949 to 1969.
1967: John McGregor, DB
1968: John Dwyer, HB
1969: John Dwyer, HB
1970: John Dwyer, HB
1971: Ralph Edwards, HB
1972: Jeff Gray, QB
1973: Steve Graham, WR
1974: John Burke, HB
1975: Danny Lopez, HB
1976: Joe Wesner, DB
1977: Jim Boland, FB
1978: Bob Sitz, QB; Clayton Wagner, WR
1979: Mark Granville-Smith, DB
1980: John Federico, FB
1981: Mike Djavaherian, DB
1982: Ed Trujillo, RB
1983: Mike Boland, QB
1984: Peter Clays, RB
1985: Mike McDonnell, DB
1986: Dean Lowry, RB
1987: Dean Lowry, RB; Jim DePersia, FB
1988: Dean Lowry, RB; Stewart Muller, CB
1989: J.J. Williams, RB
1990: Joe Cesare, FB
1991: Jon Day, WR
1992: Jim Bolger, DB
1993: Rob Sgarlata, RB
1994: Steve Iorio, RB
1995: Joe Todisco, RB
1996: Steve Iorio, RB
1997: Steve Iorio, RB
1998: Anthony Bartolomeo, DB
1999: Jim Gallagher, DB; Rob Belli, RB
2000: Ryan O'Donoghue, DB
2001: Matt Fronczke, DB
2002: Andrew Clarke, LB
2003: William Skultety, RB
2004: Kim Sarin, RB
2005: Maurice Banks, SS
2006: Derek Franks, DB
2007: Matt Bassuener, QB
2008: Keerome Lawrence, QB
2009: Travis Mack, DB
George L. Murtagh Award
The Murtagh Award has been presented since 1967 to the outstanding lineman on the team.
It is named after George Murtagh (C'26), a Georgetown Hall of Fame lineman and a long time assistant coach during the Jack Hagerty years.
1967: Doby Liekweg, LB
1968: Pierce O'Donnell, T
1969: Bob Dorff, T
1970: Dave Goracy, G
1971: Vince Bogdanski, DE/WR
1972: Harry Branning, DE
1973: Bob Morris, DE, Bill Brugger, DE
1974: Bob Morris, DE
1975: Brian McQuaid, OT; Bill Glacken, DT
1976: Dru Drake, T
1977: Don Bridges, T
1978: Paul Zimmerman, LB
1979: Rich Tranter, T
1980: Jim Corcoran, DB
1981: Conrad Everhard, C; John McGannon, DE
1982: Keith Spiedel, TE
1983: Terry Prince, OG
1984: David Barnitt, OT
1985: Bill Cross, TE
1986: Andy Phelan, OG
1987: George Alexis, OG; Joe Haley, DE
1988: Hugh Golden, C; Ray Ficca, WR
1989: Colin Kelly, OG
1990: Nabil Al-Sabih, DE
1991: Tony Zaslav, NG
1992: Kerry Perl, DT
1993: Beau Rively, OG
1994: Murray Happer, OT
1995: Janne Kouri, DT
1996: Don Garrett, C
1997: Steve Pogorelec, NG
1998: Skender Derti, OT
1999: Robert Quigley, C
2000: Lars Siegfried, OL
2001: Eric Sperson, DT
2002: Justin Haynes, DT
2003: Ryan Goethals, OL
2004: Frank Terrazino, OG
2005: Alex Buzbee, DE
2006: Andrew Rehwinkel, OG
2007: Nnamdi Obiako, DT
2008: Collin Meador, TE
2009: Dan Matheny, C
Maurice A. Dubofsky Award
The Dubofsky Award has been presented since 1980 to the outstanding student-athlete on the team. It is named after Maurice (Mush) Dubofsky (C'32), a Georgetown Hall of Fame lineman, an assistant coach during the Jack Hagerty years, and head coach from 1968 until his death in 1969.
1980: Joe Randall, OG
1981: Jim Corcoran, DB/K
1982: Rich Corcoran, LB
1983: Alex Poulos, DB
1984: Andy Phelan, OG
1985: Greg Mazur, RB
1986: Tom Reiter, OT
1987: Mark North, DB
1988: Jim O'Connor, TE
1989: Ed Lee, LB
1990: Dave Cesares, WR
1991: John DeSisto, OT
1992: Mike Murphy, OT
1993: Dave Powlaitis, DE
1994: Joe Piscatella, P
1995: Sam Wales, DB
1996: Mike Lynn, LB
1997: Mike Lynn, LB
1998: Jim Gallagher, DB
1999: Bill Rutkoske, TE
2000: Marc Samuel, K
2001: Brian Blankenship, DE
2002: Matt Fronczke, DB
2003: Dawon Dicks, LB
2004: Julius Griauzde, DT
2005: Julius Griauzde, DT
2006: David Fajgenbaum, QB
2007: Mike Greene, LB
2008: Brent Tomlinson, WR
2009: Matt Kinnan, WR
John D. Burke Award
The Burke Memorial Award has been presented since 1982 to the student-athlete who exhibits outstanding courage and spirit. It is named after John Burke, a Georgetown Hall of Fame running back of the mid-1970's.
1982: Seth Shapiro, DE
1983: Nate Simms, WR
1984: James Briody, DE
1985: Jim Halliwell, RB
1986: Dave Simpson, RB
1987: Peter Elliott, LB
1988: Jim Schwartz, DE
1989: Jim Quick, DB
1990: Ken Duer, DE
1991: Maurice Ansellem, TE; Bill Kenney, OG
1992: Tom Eacobacci, DT
1993: Brendan Boler, LB
1994: Tim Benitez, DE
1995: Chris Smith, TE
1996: Jeff Heyn, DE; Steve Pogorelec, NG
1997: Ryan Johnson, OG
1998: Anthony Pizirusso, LB
1999: Paul Miller, LB
2000: Reid Wakefield, TE
2001: Scott Pogorelec, NG
2002: Adam Rini, OL
2003: Ty Hollister, OL
2004: Brandon Small, DE
2005: Robert LaHayne, OG
2006: Roosevelt Donat, DT
2007: Darren Craft, WR
2008: Travis Zorilla, LB
2009: Chris Rau, DB
Jeremiah Minihan Coaches Award
The Minihan Award has been presented since 1985 to the student who, in the opinion of the coaches, has made an outstanding contribution to the team. It is named after Jeremiah Minihan (C'25), a Georgetown football lineman who served as auxillary bishop of Boston from 1946 to 1973.
1985: Andy Phelan, OG
1986: John McCormick, LB
1987: Dan Currie, C
1988: Joe Cronin, DE
1989: Tom Timperman, PK
1990: Chris Murphy, WR; Jim Bolger, DB
1991: Pete Lembo, C
1992: Steve Gabor, team manager
1993: Kevin Pellegrini, DB
1994: Jim Klessel, DE
1995: Joe Eacobacci, DE
1996: Dan Cunniffe, DB
1997: Dennis Hermonstyne, S
1998: Matt Mattimore, WR
1999: Josh Walz, WR; Adam Krugman, LB
2000: Mike Mattia, WR; George Sumner, WR/K
2001: Justin Wiggs, LB; Ryan Merse, LB
2002: Nick Scholtz, LB
2003: Charles Boyle, DL, Jim Lenihan, OL
2004: Janiero Wooten, WR
2005: Sheldon Epps, CB; Jason Carter, LB
2006: Liam Grubb, OG; Brian Tandy, SS
2007: Kevin Cherepski, CB; Emir Davis, RB
2008: Tom Amaro, OL; Dean Duchak, RB
2009: Brooks Caston, OL, Jon Cassidy, LB
Joseph Eacobacci Memorial Award
The Joseph Eacobacci Memorial Jersey Award has been presented since 2003 in honor of Joseph Eacobacci (B'96), captain of the 1995 varsity, who was killed in the collapse of the World Trade Center complex on September 11, 2001. The #35 jersey is awarded each season in his honor.
2003: Matt Fronczke, LB
2004: Michael Ononibaku, DE
2005: Michael Ononibaku, DE
2006: Alex Buzbee, DT
2007: Stephen Smith, LB
2008: Nick Umar, LB
2009: Robert Lane, RB
2010: Nick Parrish, LB
All-Patriot League Selections (2001-present)
Awarded by the Patriot League for outstanding all-conference selections of that season.
2002-David Paulus, P, 2nd team
2003: Luke McArdle, WR, 1st team
2003: Matt Fronczke, S, 2nd team
2003: Michael Ononibaku, DE, 2nd team
2004: Michael Ononibaku, DE, 1st team
2004: Maurice Banks, S, 2nd team
2004: Alex Buzbee, DE, 2nd team
2005: Michael Ononibaku, DE, 1st team
2005: Maurice Banks, S, 2nd team
2005: Alex Buzbee, DE, 2nd team
2006: Alex Buzbee, DE, 1st team
2006: Brian Tandy, DB, 2nd team
2007: Kyle Van Fleet, FB, 2nd team
2008: Ataefiok Etukeren, DL, 2nd team
2008: Travis Mack, DB, 2nd team
All-MAAC Selections (1993-1999)
Awarded by the MAAC Conference for the outstanding offensive, defensive, and head coach of that season.
1995: Tom Wonica, LB
1996: Janne Kouri, DE
1997: Bob Benson, head coach
1998: Bob Benson, head coach
1998: J.J. Mont, QB
1999: Jim Gallagher, DB
Robert A. Duffey Award
The most distinguished award available to a Georgetown athlete is the Robert A. Duffey Award, presented since 1955 to the outstanding scholar athlete among all University men's and women's teams. The award has been presented to four football lettermen during this time. It is named after Robert Duffey (C'43), a two sport letterman in basketball and football who was killed in action during military service in World War II.
1967: Tony Lauinger, QB
1971: Gerald O'Dowd, G
1975: James Chesley, OT
1998: Steve Iorio, RB
2006: Michael Ononibaku, DE
2008: Kyle Van Fleet, FB
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